24 October 2007

Will it ever be winter?

Wildflower boxes
Originally uploaded by Nancy Allen
No? I don't so much care when I can walk out in the back and see these gorgeous wildflowers blooming. I mean, who can help but smile when you see that? Gorgeous, just like Yorkshire Pancakes. Gorgeous.

The Jade ICU

I've had some problems with the Jade plants. Thanks to some great advice from his sister, Sarah, I think I've got them on the road to recovery, but it's too soon to say for sure.

They started out like this:
Jade Plant
Come on you lot, stand up!
But I overwatered them and Jade One (second photo above) ended up suffering for my mistake. I had to take one of the shoots out, cut off the rotten bit, and then make a mojito!
Mojito? No, Jade Cutting
Now, about 10 days later, my Jade ICU looks like this:
Jade and the Sisters...Jade
Left to right, we have the proper jade plant, just there for moral support, the two shoots left of Jade One that didn't succumb to root rot and lose all their leaves and the mojito, which has finally sprouted a tiny root! I think it's going to get it's own pot and be called Mojito, because everything here at the Black Thumb has a name...

23 October 2007

I'm a sucker

I was in Publix last week and saw the most pitiful looking plants...

Okay, not really, they just looked lonely, like they wanted me to take them home. So please allow me to introduce the new kids at the Black Thumb: Begone-ya and Caracas.

Begone-ya is just what you think, a begonia. Complete with moss on the soil.
Caracas is a coxcomb or celosia with brilliant purple plumage and a touch of mold on its soil.
Dark Caracas Cockscomb
Both came in that tacky paper that supermarkets wrap up plants in to make them look as palatable as gifts as proper cut flowers. I had to save them. In fact, I almost brought home another Draco but it was HUGE and a bit out of my budget.

Nothing much more to report. The wildflowers continue to delight and they seem to really like the rain we've gotten the last few days.
Dianthus blooms
Here comes the sun, do dee doo doo
As you can see in the second photo I have a bit of dead-heading to do on those plants.

15 October 2007

Dianthus Blooms

I'm gonna totally hate it when these flowers stop blooming.

Pink Dianthus
Be sure to click on that so you can see the larger image. The tiny white dots on the petals are amazing.
This next one makes me think of either a square dance skirt or like someone has painted the tips of the petals with a tiny paint brush.
Pink with white Dianthus

The jury is split

Half of my new "garden" seems to be doing well, and half is worrying me...and that's just the "Outdoors."

I got home from the renn fest this weekend to find that the flower garden boxes have exploded with both green leaves and flowers!
Flower Garden
There seem to be new growths in both the snapdragons and peonies, and the petunias are slowly crawling out of the box all together. I may need to look into re-potting them soon.
I'm really loving my little tiny Peonies. They almost look like tiny faces to me.
Peony Solo
Wee Peony
I am concerned about the other end of my garden, though. The orange gerbera daisy has lost its flowers now and the leaves look quite sickly. I've held off watering and they wilt, water and they look not so great.
Non Orange Gerbera Daisy
The lavender seems unaffected, as does the red daisy, but the rosemary is doing this weird wilty thing on the tips.
Wilted Rosemary?
Wilted Rosemary part deux
I watered it this morning, then checked and the info concerning watering says "Arid." Whoops! I guess I will just let the Rosemary Twins have some time to dry out and see if that helps. I'm also going to move them into the sun today.

So the jury is split...too much water? Not enough? The flowers are thriving and my bushes and daisies are not. We'll see.

12 October 2007

Black Thumb Reformation: Fact or Fiction?

Welcome to my new blog. I came up with the idea for this as I was looking at pictures I'm taking of my new garden. I've never considered myself a gardener...quite the opposite really, hence the name of the blog! But with my boyfriend's help, I'm learning...slowly...about plants and soil and watering and all that stuff. So, I thought I'd start this blog as a way to become more disciplined with my plants and maybe not kill them this time. We'll see. This will also be a handy reference for when I ring him to ask why plant A's leaves are dropping off and he says, "How long has it looked this way?" Well, I just pull up my handy-dandy photo-blog of my plants and see.

I'm not shooting for daily photos of each plant, but I find myself taking photos at least weekly and sometimes daily. We'll see if this former black thumb can grow at least a bit green around the edges. We'll see.

The Plants...living with Black Thumb

First, the "Indoors"...yeah, they all have names...so?

Jade One and Jade Two:

Wilting Jade Plant

Stand Up Kinda Jade Plant

Draco, the Dragon Tree (after some nibbling from my cat, sadly...):

Draco, post Mills attack

Banana, the Umbrella Plant:

Banana, my umbrella plant

Whatsit, the Purple Passion Plant/Vine:

Bizarre purple plant thing...

Beelzebub, what we THINK is Devil's Ivy (Belle for short):

Are you pointing at me?

The "Outdoors"...no names, they don't live in the house with me and there are just too many!

The Rosemary Twins:

Rosemary plants

Window Box One and Two: Petunias, Snapdragons, Peonies and Dianthus (not sure the species)

Wee Garden

Wee Garden

Gerbera Daisies, Orange and Red:

My orange girls

Red Gerbera Daisy

Orange Gerberas

The Lavender Garden:

Lavendar Garden

Amazing what a little sun will do...

Whatsit before, seeming huddled like someone that's a bit too cold...

Bizarre purple plant thing...

And Whatsit now, after an afternoon outdoors in the sun!

Purple Passion after being outdoors

Lavender Growth

25 September 2007
Lavendar Garden
12 October 2007
Lavender pot
It would seem I don't have to worry about how it grows in this climate, hey? Notice that you can no longer clearly see the thingy stuck in the pot to remind me what kind of plant it is...

Mojitos, Anyone?

In my quest to save part of Jade One that has no root base, I've made a mojito!

Mojito? No, Jade Cutting